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Phone +39 0445446737
Fax +39 0445950075

Sito italiano


Software development

We develop software for Microsoft Windows, Linux and for the web.

Normally we use C++ language, but we know also other programming and scripting languages more or less in depth (i.e. C, C#, Pascal, PHP, Basic, PowerShell, Bash) .
We develop from singular components / libraries / scripts to complete applications, also Open Source.

Microsoft Windows is our main OS (Operating System) that we know from the development point of view but also from the technical point of view (installation, configuration).
We use and work also with Linux, but no Mac.

About the web we don't care about the graphical part that has to be done by thirty parties.

We know database servers like MySql, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, FireBird and we are able to work also with singular database files (i.e. MDB, AccDb, DBF).

We are able to create installation program / scripts.

Customisation/development of thirty party software

We make customisation and development of thirty party software by our own or inside a workgroup, also Open Source.

We know the Apache Subversion version control system, that we normally use for our own software too, and Microsoft Team Foundation Server.


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